For a variety of reasons, I love self-assessments.

From a personal perspective, these assessments can range from the silly and quirky to welcome sources of valuable new information.

When used in conjunction with client service, they can generate helpful information with a minimal commitment of effort, money and time.

Inspired by yesterday’s article, I decided to write a self-review of my new book, using the same questions that help shaped the review. (As an aside, the following questions can be very helpful in preparing or requesting testimonials of products or services.)

What specific section or feature did I like most about the book?

As someone who does not respond well to being told what to do, I appreciated the key concepts and ideas being presented as experience-based suggestions rather than specific instructions on what I should or must do.

For too often, subject matters experts take the approach that if we, the learners do exactly what they do we too will be as success as they are.  What nonsense! 

It’s like trying to shape our feet to the stiff leather of a pair of new western boots. 

From my experience, there is no such thing as a one-size fits all solution.   For best results, the key is to customize potential solutions to make the most of our own strengths and assets.  If you have ever had the experience of breaking in new boots or shoes, you know well the joy that comes from making the foot ware fit our feet—and the agony of trying make our feet fit the footwear.   

What other 2-3 benefits does the book deliver?

The life lessons in each chapter help make the concepts real.  It’s one thing to hear about passion, purpose or values in the abstract.  But it’s really helpful to see examples of how individuals incorporated these factors into their own way of doing things.

And by way of added bonus, the reflection and application questions that follow the life stories, guide readers through the process of customizing potential solutions to make the most of their our own experience, strengths and assets. 

The introduction of authentic marketing offers a welcome alternative to the hype and shameless self-promotion often associated with conventional marketing practices.

What else would you like to say about the book?

Although the book is intended for self-employed professionals, the contents are not limited to either these people or their service businesses. 

Realistically, it would benefit anyone who is self-employed, running their own businesses, regardless of what product or service is delivered. 

What’s not love about building a business based upon our own true selves?

But don’t take my (somewhat biased) word for it. Check the book out yourself:

Hard copy versions are available through major book sellers on a print on demand basis.

It’s also available online through book sellers such as:

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